March 28, 2009

It's hard to stay motivated, continue to apply for jobs when the only responses I get or silence or rejection steeped in the dismal outlook set by 'today's economy'. do much of anything productive when it gets hot before breakfast and the stuffy stickiness remains long past dinnertime. not feel isolated from anything and anyone having to do with your field, separated by a half-day's time difference, a major body of water or two, and a lack of internet past 6pm or so. care about much of anything between 10am and 7pm, ie. daylight hours.

It's easy to complain, eat various fried foods prepared by a shirtless man stooped over kerosene fryer on the sidewalk. take naps and then eat bread mindlessly while still sweaty and confused over dreams involving past or contrived lovers. sit on my veranda, pretending to not watch my neighbors across the street eat their dinners but actually playing a game consisting of guessing what concoction lies in each bowl, mustard oil pooling in a sickly vermilion on the surface. give up on identifying what breeds of mosquitoes and other bugs might be biting me at night, leaving me with a sundry grab-bag of welts and lumps of all different sizes, colors, aggravations, and lifespans.

In sum, it's hard to apply for and find jobs, while it's easy to eat or do other food related activities.I suppose, despite being overseas, this all makes me your average Amerikan.


(unrelated: i miss grapefruit)

1 comment:

Matthew Spinelli said...

I feel quite similar right now. How are you doing, Ben?